The Second Story is committed to church multiplication. Our desire is to see the Kingdom of God expand throughout Peoria area and beyond. In 2010 are goal is to partner with new church planters and missional leaders. In the summer of 2010 we will begin sponsoring a new church plant in the western part of Peoria area (West Peoria/Bartonville) to see many people come to Christ. Please see a discription below of our lead church planters Mark and Cara Traeger.
We seek to build additional partnerships with churches and individuals to begin this new work. Partnerships will come in the form of prayer, people resources and finances. If you would be interested in partnering with us please contact Chris Wright for more information about how you can get involved.
There are 1200 men and women who serve with the Illinois Air Guard in Peoria with more serving with the Army reserve. Many of those who serve are over-looked as a specific people group with unique needs and challenges. Military families are also typically overlooked by the church.
College Students also have a unique needs and challenges. They, like military families, many times see Peoria as just a temporary home. Bradley University is home to over 8000 students of whom only 2% are plugged into a local church.
Mark Traeger will joining us this summer and will work bi-vocationally for the Air National Guard as a chaplain. This new network of people will be the basis for the formation of a new church.
Mark & Cara Traeger come to us from Lynchburg Virginia where Mark recently completed his DMin in Pastoral Counseling and Care is finishing her Masters in Counseling. Mark is originally from Havana, IL. Mark will serve bi-vocationally while starting the church in the Air National Guard as a chaplain. Mark and Cara have been married 6 years. Mark has a vision to start a church for military families, young adults and students in on the Western side of Peoria.
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